Thursday, 30 June 2011


Managed to finish Colbert's and Martin's brigades. Only need to paint up 2 artillery pieces and that will finish Hebert's Division. With the addition of a Corps Commander and 3 more artillery pieces, I'll be able to field the 2 confederate divisions at Corinth under Price. I'll post some pictures of the completed division as soon as I locate the camera.

Also got the Gettysburg re fight this weekend. 2 full days of wargaming. can't wait

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Hebert's Division

I've had these 2 brigades from Hebert's Division on the painting table for about a year. Thought it was about time that I finished them off. All the figures are from Old Glory. the flags are by Revo. They are the brigades of Gates and Green. Just need to complete Colbert's and Martin's brigades, about 4 artillery pieces and I'll have finished Price's Corps

Friday, 10 June 2011

Gettysburg is upon us

Well the date for the large Gettysburg game is set for the 2nd and 3rd of July. I'm going to be one of the Confederate Corp Commanders with Dave and Andrew, with Mike being General Lee. Just have to wait for Mike to decide which Corps it will be and what our orders for the day will be. Not sue if Mike wants to try the historical attacks and see if we can do better or whether he has something else in mind. The weekend will see us fighting day 2 and 3 of Gettysburg, this will be fun.

Our opponents will be led by Darren and ably supported by Blenky, Jon, Harry and Nick. Quite a formidable group, especially Darren and Blenky who always work well together. No pressure then. Can't wait for it.